19 July 2016

Lunchbijeenkomst over governance in de zorg op 28 september 2016

Naar aanleiding van de concept Zorgbrede Governancecode 2017, het onlangs ingediende Wetsvoorstel Bestuur en toezicht rechtspersonen en het nieuwe gezamenlijke kader Toezicht op Goed Bestuur van IGZ en NZa organiseert Rutgers & Posch een lunchbijeenkomst over governance in de zorg. De zorglunch vindt plaats op woensdag 28 september 2016 van 12.30 tot 14.00 uur op ons kantoor aan de Herengracht te Amsterdam. Tijdens de lunch zal Leon van…

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30 June 2016

Wet Huis voor Klokkenluiders treedt op 1 juli 2016 in werking

Klik hier voor het artikel van mr. Inge de Laat, partner Arbeidsrecht bij Rutgers & Posch, over de inwerkingtreding van de Wet Huis voor Klokkeluiders op 1 juli 2016

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12 June 2016

Rutgers & Posch advised uniQure on Bristol-Myers-Squibb transaction

On 12 June 2015 Bristol-Myers-Squibb (‘BMS’), in connection with an exclusive strategic collaboration, acquired a 4.9% equity stake in uniQure N.V., listed on NASDAQ. BMS will take another 5.0% stake before 31 December 2015, and has been granted two warrants to acquire up to an additional 10% equity stake. BMS paid over USD 37 million for the first 4.9% equity stake. The future equity purchases will be at…

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6 June 2016

Rutgers & Posch advises Trustee on BAM bonds

Rutgers & Posch advises SGG Group and the Stichting Trustee on the issue by Royal BAM Group N.V. of convertible bonds, announced on 6 June 2016. BAM Group has on 6 June announced the succesful placing of subordinated and unsecured convertible 3.50% bonds of € 125 million, due in 2021. Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking and UBS Investment Bank act as Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners on…

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30 May 2016

Rutgers & Posch advises underwriters in Basic-Fit IPO

Rutgers & Posch advises the underwriters in the IPO of Basic-Fit that was announced today. Basic-Fit is the largest “value-for-money” fitness chain in Europe as measured by number of clubs. The company is active in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Spain. With a price range of 15 to 20 euro per share, Basic-Fit is valued at around 1 billion euro. The underwriters in this IPO are ABN…

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13 May 2016

Rutgers & Posch advised on acquisition of Penders Voetzorg and Choose Your Shoes

Rutgers & Posch advised the selling shareholders in relation to the acquisition of Penders Voetzorg en Choose Your Shoes by Foreman Capital. Penders Voetzorg and Choose Your Shoes manufacture and sell orthopedic shoes. The Rutgers & Posch team consisted of Matthijs van den Broek, Hjalmar Florijn and Kees Westermann. Financial advisor to the selling shareholders was Boer & Croon Corporate Finance.

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"The process we worked on required a broad set of capabilities, all of which Rutgers & Posch was able to bring to the table."
Chambers Global 2023
Finance Department Ranked in Capital Markets: Securitisation Chambers Europe and Global 2023
1 / 7
In 2023 Inge de laat is again ranked in Chambers Europe Employment
2 / 7
Employment Department Ranked in Chambers 2021
3 / 7
Employment Department Ranked in Legal 500 EMEA 2021
4 / 7
Inge de laat, Employment partner, is ranked in Chambers Europe Employment 2020
5 / 7
Ranked in Chambers Europe Employment 2020
6 / 7
Inge de Laat is a “knowledgeable lawyer,” who is an “excellent listener and is good at strategy.”
7 / 7