
In a world facing increasingly complex challenges related to climate change and energy supply, we are on the verge of a profound transformation. The current reality is marked by the urgent need for a sustainable energy transition, an international climate agreement, and a rapidly changing energy landscape.

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Dispute Resolution

An essential part of running a business is forming contracts with vendors, customers and partners. Often you will have to deal with shareholders, banks and other financial backers. But no matter how carefully you record those arrangements, disputes are common. A dispute will distract you from your core business and could even jeopardise your company’s existence. It is therefore important to resolve it as swiftly as possible. Not always does the matter need to go to court. In fact, settling the dispute…

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Healthcare is a sector that is in constant evolution. While accessibility, affordability and quality are paramount, in recent years the sector has come under steadily increasing pressure. Besides rising costs, staff shortages, regulatory compliance and other factors, sustainability has also become a prominent requirement. The challenges facing the healthcare system are substantial, and it will take effort and dedication from every market participant and every stakeholder to keep it running and to boost innovation.

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With the programmes “A Circular Economy in the Netherlands by 2050” and the “European Green Deal”, the Netherlands and Europe have set themselves ambitious plans for achieving sustainability, climate-neutrality and circularity by 2050. These ambitions do not derive only from international treaties, such as the Paris Climate Agreement, but increasingly also reflect the shift in attitudes of consumers who are giving more weight to sustainability and allowing it to guide more and more of their decisions.

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Corporate / M&A

Our Corporate/M&A team advises publicly traded enterprises, privately held companies and investors (private equity, family offices and venture capital) on mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, investments and restructurings, both domestically and in the international arena. Our lawyers work in close partnership with our firm’s other disciplines, including Employment, Data Protection & Privacy and Commercial Contracts, for example when doing due diligence.

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Commercial Contracts

Whenever you do business with vendors, customers or anyone else, it is important to make a clear record of your arrangements. This will not only help you to run your company, it will also prove helpful if a dispute arises. If you are involved in a dispute, you will need to establish – perhaps even in court or through another form of dispute resolution – what the scope is of each party's rights and obligations under the contract.

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Digital Media & Technology

All around us technology is developing at a rapid pace, driven by increasing pressure to raise production and productivity, while consuming less energy and fewer raw materials. Digitalisation and technologisation are key issues for almost every sector in the economy. Technologies such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and robotics are changing not only our production systems, but also our daily lives.

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Employment, Pensions & Benefits

The labour market, and the employment laws, are evolving all the time. The plans for a new national pension system are also causing much debate. This situation requires flexibility from companies, coupled with pressure to be aware of the latest developments. Whether your company operates domestically or in the international arena, the employment lawyers at Rutgers & Posch can help you.

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Financial Institutions

Financial institutions play a key role in the Dutch economy. They also face numerous challenges as they are required to innovate and enhance their sustainability, as well as respond to rapidly changing market conditions. In addition, financial institutions are subject to extensive regulation, supervision and public pressure as a result of which they are under continuous scrutiny.

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Finance & Portfolios

Our Finance & Portfolios team enables financial institutions and companies to succesfully navigate the various stages of the financing process, and to find the best fitting legal solution. For example, financing by banks, funding platforms or capital markets investors. Some of these financing arrangements are asset-backed, whilst others depend entirely on the cash flows generated by the relevant assets. Our team also assists clients in safely transferring portfolios of assets and/or liabilities from one entity to another.

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Innovation interacts with the traditional in the mobility market. Smart technology and sustainability force key players to make strategic decisions. At the same time, import, sales, lease, financing and services remain key requirements of the business-to-business and consumer markets.

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Real Estate

The real estate sector is facing a challenging market and interest rate environment and various regulatory changes, including the statutory duty to improve sustainability. We help our clients navigate these challenges.

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Restructuring & Insolvency

Especially in times of economic uncertainty, your company or financial institution may at some point encounter a customer or supplier facing financial difficulties. When this happens, you will likely require immediate action to mitigate the risks and consequences as much as possible. In such circumstances, our specialised Restructuring & Insolvency lawyers are well-placed to advise and, if necessary, litigate on your behalf.

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