Rutgers & Posch continues to grow with the arrival of team Inge de Laat

1 March 2015

Inge de Laat joined Rutgers & Posch as partner employment law per March 1, 2015. Until this date, Inge was partner at Kennedy Van der Laan. Associate Suzan van der Meer accompanies Inge. In addition Annemarie Roukema, associate employment law from Boekel De Nerée, joins the employment law team from this date.

At Rutgers & Posch Inge will continue to pursue her employment law practice. She is involved in all aspects of employment law, including collective and individual dismissals and outsourcing. Additionally Inge specializes in the field of privacy, health law and the Works Councils Act. Inge’s clients are national and international companies and healthcare institutions.

Inge de Laat: “I look forward to further expand my practice at Rutgers & Posch given the close cooperation between the employment law team and the corporate team. My new firm offers an excellent platform to service the legal needs of clients in today’s market. The aim of Rutgers & Posch to offer top quality service in a personal setting combined with fair and transparent rates aligns perfectly with my own ideas on practicing law in this market. I look forward to join forces and will give all my efforts to make this goal a reality for clients.

I am happy to join the existing employment law team, together with Suzan and Annemarie, and can hardly wait to experience the dynamics and energy that it will generate advising our joint clients in all aspects of employment law. ”

Gerard Endedijk, managing partner: “We are very pleased with our new arrivals. The employment law team now consists of seven experienced lawyers. This gives us an excellent position to even better advise all our clients on employment law issues.”